Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Break

I do find it a bit odd that at 28 I still look forward to Spring Break...that's what being married to a student does to you, I guess. Last week was Tech's break, and I took Wednesday - Friday off to hang out with Mark. We went to the gun range (yes, I am an amazing shot), watched lots of movies of course, had our camping plans canceled due to rain, and traveled to Chattanooga with Amy and Todd. We had a great time visiting all of the touristy stuff I love (the Tennessee Aquarium and IMAX, the Incline Railway, Rock City, Ruby Falls) and really enjoyed the trip.Mark's sister, Susan, and her family met up with us on their way from Nashville to Atlanta.Of course I love the touch pools, but Caeli got a little freaked out when the sting ray tried to jump out at us.I think he's waiving at us...We walked through the art district and then across the bridge to see the carousel and lots of cute shops. The steepest passenger Incline in the worldThe entrance to Point Park (at the top of the Incline)The famous See Rock City birdhouseThey called this Mushroom Rock, but I had another name for it...It was a gorgeous, clear day, so I think I saw them all!Fat Man's Squeeze...glad Mark made it through!Inside the cave to Ruby Falls, with a giant stalagmite.The falls were really cool! Glad we had all that rain, finally!


Mark and Lachelle said...

Looks like you guys had a good time. And don't worry, I'm sure I'll look forward to spring break till I'm 80! By the way, your friend is one of my favorite girls on The Bachelor. I think her chronic hiccups are cute. I actually have a friend that has them too!

Amy said...

What a cool spring break! I can't believe how many things you guys packed into such a short period of time. I wish our break and had worked out better ...

Simmons Family said...

Holy cow Noelle. Looks like you did it all. I love all the pics and I love your comments more. You're such a good little blogger.

Lyndzee said...

You are a traveling fiend! Every time I check your blog...which I will admit is not often enough, you have been somewhere. I don't like spring break much. We know it is coming so we hope and we plan and yet there is always homework to do or what not. Our traveling days will be here soon!

Mark and Lachelle said...

Damn! I knew genius looked wrong!! Good thing I didn't put that I was spelling bee champ in high school!!

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Her Royal Highness said...

Looks like you and Mark had a great time, Noelle! (Your cousin, Natalie, here!!)
Oh how I wish I could enjoy spring break like that! This year our spring break was - uh - uneventful, to say the least!
I'm glad I found your blog - I'll be sure to stop in more frequently!

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