Thursday, August 16, 2007're it!

I've been tagged by Jessica

4 Jobs I've had:
1. Nanny - aka being paid to live a life of luxury in CT/NY
2. Cocktail waitress - gotta love it when you can wear a bikini to work!
3. Intern for Infuse Events - yup, this is how I get to hang out with OJ Simpson and Kanye West
4. Assistant Recreation Director at The Hilton in Destin - playing mini golf, watching movies, going bowling...what a job!

4 movies I love to watch over and over:
1. Love Actually
2. Fever Pitch
3. The Sweetest Thing
4. Moulin Rouge

4 favorite TV shows:
1. The Office
2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. Law & Order - I love it!!!
4. Basically any show on HGTV...yup, I'm lame!

4 favorite hobbies:
Traveling (I considered writing this for all 4...)
2. Going to the lake (only since it's more convenient)
3. Going to the beach
4. Scrapbooking

4 places I have lived:
1. Paris, France
2. The OC
3. New Canaan, CT
4. Laie, Hawaii

4 favorite foods:
1. Masaman curry
2. Salad
3. The Kroger brand (Premium Select) of ice's soooo good!
Creme brulee

4 places I would rather be right now:
1. At home with Mark
2. Visiting my family in Florida
3. Europe
4. Anywhere :)

4 websites I check daily:
1. Q100
2. CNN
3. Craig's List
4. MySpace

4 people I tag:
1. Candice
2. Megan
3. Lyndzee
4. Christi - get a blog!!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hmm I'll get around to this. I think I was tagged back in September. These things are like chain letters.