I realize that we just went on a cruise in December. But I'm still obsessed with traveling, so I'm already anxious to plan our next trip. I've decided that we should take our first big 2010 trip in June, mainly because that's when my contract with ME ends. (Of course, I'm hoping they'll offer me a permanent position, and that would be great cause I could start right after our trip. Fingers crossed!) Now, I just decided this today, so things are definitely in the very beginning planning stages (What can I say? I'm a planner!) but I think a trip to the Northeast might be fun. I've been wanting to get back to NYC for a long time, and would love to re-visit Boston, DC, and also go to lots of places I've never been.
I started perusing Google Maps today, trying to decide a route (an extremely tentative route) and I realized I need help. I have no idea what/where to visit in lots of these states. Like West Virginia for example. And Ohio. What are the big tourist attractions there? Do we do something outdoorsy, like hiking, or are there cool museums or zoos? I have no clue! So I need suggestions. If you know any cool "must see's" for the places I list, let me know. Cities, landmarks, anything will help!
1. First stop, Garden of the Gods, Illinois (Mark said its really cool, so we'll start there)
2. Next stop, Kentucky somewhere (Louisville?)
3. Somewhere in Ohio, next (Cincinnati? Toledo? Dayton?)
4. Indiana (Indianapolis?)
5. Chicago, Illinois - I've never been but can't wait! This is likely the first place we'll stay 2-3 days.
6. Michigan (Detroit? Grand Rapids?)
7. Niagra Falls
8. Toronto, Canada
9. Montreal, Canada
10. Quebec, Canada
11. Vermont/New Hampshire/Maine
12. Boston, Mass
13. Providence, Rhode Island
14. New Canaan, Connecticut (where I lived when I was a nanny!)
15. NYC! I can't wait to return! (Don't need any suggestions, here, unless you know of some place/thing that's totally unusual.)
16. New Jersey
17. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
18. Delaware
19. Baltimore, Maryland
20. DC
21. Virginia
22. And finally West Virginia
Sounds fun, right? Think we can do it in 3 weeks? I might have some serious editing to do, but right now I'm just excited to start planning!